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Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Linkages Facilitation Program (LFP) – Market Study & Program Design

ENTRUST was contracted by CIDA’s BDSSP Project to design a linkages facilitation program.  The objective of the Linkages Facilitation Program (LFP) was to promote and enhance outsourcing capabilities/linkages between Transnational Corporations (TNCs) or Large Corporations and SMEs in Egypt. This was to be done through playing an intermediary/brokerage role between Transnational Corporations (TNCs), SMEs and service providers.  Towards this end, ENTRUST conducted a market assessment by investigating and interviewing TNCs, large enterprises, SMEs and business associations.  The study provided information on TNCs/large corporations whom should be targeted and examines the demand on the program as well as its economic and financial viability.  It also seeks to highlight main issues to be considered during the program design and implementation.     In addition, ENTRUST developed a program design based on the findings of the study as well as international best practices and lessons learned. The design included three detailed implementation scenarios targeting different categories of suppliers.

Development of National Strategy for Micro and Small Enterprise Development in Egypt

ENTRUST was selected by the Social Fund for Development (SFD) and CIDA to provide advisory services towards the development of the first national strategy for MSE development in Egypt. ENTRUST provided overall advice and guidance, especially with regards to the integration of the subject strategy within the overall macroeconomic policy framework and orientation of the government of Egypt.

Secondary Data Analysis & Mapping of Donor BDS Projects

Selected to assist in the selection of priority sectors and governorates for project activities, as well as potential partners for the BDSSP.  Towards this end, Entrust an SME profile for eight selected governorates, presenting an in-depth analysis of such dimensions as sectoral distribution, size structure, gender, and employment among several others.  In addition a mapping exercise of donor funded BDS projects was conducted to obtain an overview of the existing technical, institutional and finance resources that the project can assist in bridging and synergizing. 

SME Policy Advisory Services

Provide CIDA with advice on policy and programming issues pertaining to SME development in Egypt.  Duties also include developing synergies among existing CIDA projects, as well as enhancing donor coordination in the field of SME development, in addition to designing new programs and interventions along the lines of national and international best practices and modern SME development tools and practices.  Assistance provided also includes fostering strategic relationships with local and international stakeholders to support various aspects of SME development.


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