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Donor Sub-Group on M/SME Development

Work Plan for the Donor Sub-Group on M/SME Development

ENTRUST was selected by the Donor Sub-Group on M/SME Development in Egypt to assist the delegates and representatives of various donor organizations working in the field of SME development to develop their first work plan.  Scope of work involved developing preliminary discussion points on the work plan, as well as facilitating discussions and finalizing the work plan.

Rapid Review of Donor Interventions to Reform the Business Environment for SMEs in Egypt

Based on our predominant capability, ENTRUST was selected by more than six donors active in Egypt to conduct a review of donor interventions in the area of reforming the business environment for SMEs in Egypt.  Our team of consultants’ focus is to assess the effectiveness of the various tools and methods used by donors and donor-funded projects to assist in reforming the business environment in Egypt, identify best practices and lessons learned, as well as outline suggestions for future action.  The results of the study were presented in the World Conference on Best Practices in Business Environment Reforms, held in Cairo by the Donors’ Group on Business Environment Reform for Small Enterprises, 2005.


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